CPI Images

The CPI Offers Unsurpassed Imaging Detail

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This figure shows an example of images from the 2D-C and CPI in an upslope cloud with small (20-50 mm) ice particles and cloud drops mixed with some larger particles. There is no way of discriminating the phase of the small particles from the 2D-C images (and most of these particles are missed entirely), however, one can see the non-spherical shape of the small (ice) particles recorded by the CPI. Also, the habit of the pristine plates can be readily identified in the CPI images, whereas, there is no way of knowing crystal habit from the
2D-C images.

The figure above shows a comparison of 75-150 mm diameter freezing drizzle drops recorded by the CPI and Korolev et al. (1997) numerical simulations of 100 mm 2D-C drops (the 2D-C probe was not installed during the freezing drizzle encounter). The comparison clearly shows the ability of the CPI to accurately identify and size supercooled large drops (SLDs).

Scientific Highlights

CPI's Diffraction Limited Size and
Depth of Field Estimates

CPI Operating Principle 

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